Provincial Taiwan Affairs Office came to our company to carry out field research

Date of issue:



On May 25, 2021, Chen Qing, a second level researcher from Hubei Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, led a team to carry out field research in our city's Taiwan related parks, hoping that our city will further strengthen support and promote the upgrading of the parks.

The research team came to Hubei Tongguang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. to communicate with the person in charge of our company and have a detailed understanding of infrastructure construction, production and operation, development planning, technological innovation, patent invention, etc.

The research team pointed out that the relevant departments of the park should take T-Bright, Hubei Province as the guide, increase the efforts to introduce Taiwan funded enterprises, learn from foreign practices and experience, and introduce Taiwan enterprises willing to expand their development to settle in Zhijiang, so as to provide a good environment for the development of Taiwan enterprises; We should increase the application of support funds for Taiwan related parks, speed up the construction of parks, boost the development of Taiwan enterprises, and create a good atmosphere for Taiwan investment. At the same time, the meeting also discussed the construction and development of the park, tamping the development details of the park, giving play to the role of 'one zone and five parks', and building a nest to attract 'phoenix'.

The main leaders of the United Front Work Department of Zhijiang Municipal Party Committee (Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office) and the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs accompanied the investigation.




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